My Husband
Date:2023-06-19 15:54:04

When we first met

We first met each other in 2016. That’s before he worked for Dymind. He used to travel a lot to other provinces, and spend little time at home. As he was in charge of the service work of a province then, he spent most of his time in his car and sometimes did not even get time to eat, with his backpack always filled with instant foods.

He joined Dymind in 2019. That was a positive change for him, and for the family, as he no longer needed to travel that often. With him around, we didn’t need to talk over the phone anymore and could spend more time together.

Faith & Determination

I have to admit that it was hard for me to willingly give my support for his work at the very beginning.

During the Covid-19 outbreak in early 2020, while we were still on the spring-festival holiday, my husband got a request for on-site service. He got prepared for it without any hesitation. However, no one can tell when he can be back as the village had been locked down to prevent the transmission of the epidemic. I was a nurse of a local hospital, and I knew that medical care was essential for patients then. Although I didn’t want him to risk his life, I understood that he had made up his mind. During the following one month, we can only see each other by making video calls. Although he worried about being infected, he didn’t give up on his duties and only came home one month later.

For most of the time during a day, he would be on his way driving from one customer to another. We worry about him a lot but he never complains about having to drive all day long. Instead, he often says that he likes driving. I know he is trying to get the problem solved more efficiently on site. When I got angry with him for not finding time to eat, he would make a joke of that, saying that his stomach has got used to it and he only gets hungry when he’s not busy.

Understanding & Support

One thing amazing about him is, whatever he is doing, and however distressed he is, he would “become delighted” immediately when he got phone calls from customers. I would laugh at him for this abrupt change of attitude, but I know he is trying to provide his customers with the best services he can.

One weekend, with no work scheduled, we planned to have an outing together. Right before we were to go, a hospital called him. He answered the phone and found that the problem needed to be solved on site. When he hung up, we both knew the outing thing was over. I told him to “go to the hospital and promised to arrange another outing sometime later”. He then drove a long way to the hospital and came home around 8 o’clock at night.

He even travelled the day before we got married. I’m sometimes jealous of “his customers who can call and get him response anytime”. But now, having got used to his work style, I have become truly supportive for what he is doing.

Dymind witnesses the growing of my family from one person, two persons, to the birth of our child. My husband is a man who loves his job, and I love the man who loves his job. It’s my sincere hope that my husband could enjoy his work and grow together with Dymind.

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